The same meaning in any language


So stop lying to yourself


From The Secular Buddhist

“Our contributions to the world are demonstrated by what we do, not in the beliefs we cling to.” TSB

“Believing” in animal rights is all good and well, but what are you actually doing with that belief? Feeling righteous? Feeling better than those who hunt? Or are you practicing what you believe and doing everything you are capable of to protect, rescue, and otherwise save EVERY living being. If you are not doing these things, I believe the proper label for you would be HYPOCRITE.

How about starting to demonstrate your belief in animal “rights” by clearing any animal products, or items that make use of any animal “byproduct” out of your house. And then go find an animal that needs a home and give him/her one. Become their guardian for life. Through the good times, as well as those times they may need a little more.

Your choice. Your belief.

How long do you think you’d last?


But we (you) can always do more, can’t we (you)?


Ask yourself


True compassion


There is nothing fun about this ride he is about to take

Truly, this brings me close to tears, because I know what pain is involved here for the mother and the baby. Truly, truly sad. You’ve made the transition to vegetarianism, can’t you find it in your heart to go that one tiny step more? That one more small step towards compassion? Towards being completely Vegan?

“Only” consuming milk, eggs, cheese, any dairy, is eventually and ultimately just as destructive to the beings who we ignorantly like to believe give freely of their milk and eggs. You couldn’t be farther from the truth if you believe that.


Napping with cats


Some people need to constantly be reminded


Here’s the reason
