A great starting point for Vegan education

From The Humane League  (I don’t have any connection to them other than I want to be able to provide any good resources available to help people make the right, compassionate choices)

The biggest thing that any individual can do to help animals and reduce the amount of cruelty in the world is to stop consuming animal products, including chicken, fish, eggs, red meat and milk.

The average American eats nearly one hundred animals per year, with most of these being chicken and fish. (It’s important to note that chickens and fish feel pain and have distinct personalities just as dogs and cats do.)

Most animals (including fish) are raised in intensive conditions where animals cannot exhibit instinctive behaviors or live any semblance of a natural life. Many are confined in cages so small they cannot or can barely turn around, and most spend their entire lives indoors in dark, filthy sheds. To learn more about animal agriculture and how you can make more compassionate food choices, please click here.
What’s the bright side of all of this? The bright side is that each person who reduces their meat consumption, eats vegetarian, or eats vegan will in the course of their lifetime spare hundreds or thousands of animals from the daily misery of animal agriculture. This provides The Humane League a tremendous opportunity to help animals through effective vegetarian advocacy work.

Each year we hand out hundreds of thousands of detailed Compassionate Choices booklets on college campuses and at concerts and festivals. These booklets give the public an eye-opening look at factory farming and provide resources and tips for going veg. Each year we hear from many people who went vegetarian as a result of getting a leaflet from us.
We also distribute tens of thousands of free Vegetarian Starter Kits through public news stand boxes (the same kind of news stand boxes you might get a free weekly newspaper or an Auto Trader guide from), located on busy city streets and by public transportation centers. Thousands of Veg Starter Kits are also mailed out each year to individuals who order them through our comprehensive veg resource site,VegStarterPack.com.

We created VegStarterPack.com to provide a concise collection of the best resources available online for anyone interested in eating vegetarian. To further help people make the transition, we’ve launched three statewide guides to veg-friendly restaurants, grocery stores, bakeries, bars and more.

A very important component of our vegetarian advocacy work is online outreach, exposing key audiences to videos about factory farm cruelty and helpful resources on veg eating. We are currently drawing nearly 100,000 visitors each month to our Who’s Against Animal Cruelty website through targeted Facebook advertisements and a viral outreach campaign.

In addition, we air television programs about factory farm cruelty and vegan cooking on numerous PBS, college and public access television stations. Our programs are designed both to educate the public and to inspire people to make a difference for animals in their own lives.

The Humane League also regularly tables at festivals, fairs and other community events to educate the public about animal agriculture and provide helpful resources for vegetarian eating. Lastly, we host an annual Baltimore Veg Fest to promote veg eating in the Maryland region.

The Humane League is always seeking volunteers to work with us on these easy and highly effective veg advocacy programs, in particular our veg leafleting. To get involved, please sign up today to be a part of The Humane League!

A new rule

So let’s adopt a new rule. If you insist on using an animal or animal byproduct in any way, you have to kill and process the being you choose to destroy, all by yourself. If you choose to have bacon with your morning eggs, you have to process (kill, clean, etc.) the pig yourself. You pick out the pig, you “process it” (kill it), and you get it to your plate without any assistance. If you want to continue buying and wearing another being’s fur, you find the animal, you kill it and skin it and then make the product you choose to wear. And when it comes to that evening’s meatloaf, well, you get the picture.

I wonder then how many people will continue to condone factory farming and the “processing” of these innocent beings? And let’s make the above rule even better. Let’s make it mandatory that you have to raise that being you choose to destroy, from its embryonic stage, all the way to its slaughter.

Yes, I realize that people who grow up on farms likely have, or continue to do these very things. They raise and kill these animals for their personal consumption all the time. But do you think the average non-farmer could do these things? Doubt it.

There are billions of people on this earth that still believe that “free range” animals and the like, freely give their lives so that we can have our hamburgers and hot dogs at the weekend barbecue. There are billions of people who probably think that those nice, neat packages of hamburger are magically harvested from some field in North Dakota, already packaged and ready to ship to market. There are billions of people on this planet who know no other way, or who willfully remain blind to the truth. And, there are many who, even knowing the truth about factory farming, believe it is their “god-given right” to hold this “dominion” over the beasts of the fields. Really?

The war to stop the killing is overwhelming at times because most people who consume animals, just don’t care about the truth. They just don’t get it. Or they get it, but think it’s all just part of the circle of life. But as for me, I’ll continue to fight until ALL animals are once again free to roam the earth as life intended. At peace. Without pain. Without fear. For their entire NATURAL lifespan.

The REAL way pigs should live

the real way pigs should live

Everything you need to know about animals


Can you possibly live without bacon?


Doesn’t their plight bother you?


Who said Vegans don’t drink milk?


A victory!

We went to lunch at our city’s only Vegan restaurant on Saturday, and talked to a young man who we had worked with when the restaurant he worked at, Vegeria, did a benefit for Sunny Day Farms a couple of weeks ago. He was a Vegetarian at that time. I told him about the movie Earthlings, and how that movie convinced me to become an animal rights activist and a Vegan. At any rate, he went home and watched it, and as a result, switched from being a Vegetarian to a full-fledged Vegan. Woohoo! One down, just a few billion more to go.
